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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Time To Unwind

It's been a long day at work.

Whether you labor at a desk or you're on your feet all day work is,  And by the end of the day so many of us are exhausted but not done.

There are errands to run, bills to pay, cars to fix, lawns to mow, meals to cook, ministry, and of course children who need much more from us.

When we finally have time to sit down and


all we want to do is unplug from the world, shut our brains down, and do nothing.

Some of us turn on the television or pop in a video game.  Others like a good book or their favorite snack (in large quantities).

Ahhhh.  Finally it's time to unwind.

But have you noticed that after unwinding you really don't feel refreshed?  And after doing that day in and day out you actually feel like your life is going nowhere.

Can you say gerbil on a wheel?

The problem is we're trying to find rest and refreshing in everything and everywhere but at His feet.

God longs for us to come in after a long day, grab our Bibles and curl up in His arms.  He wants us to tell Him all about the boss that was unfair,  all our failures and successes, and spill our tears of frustration on His chest.

As we do that He will strengthen us, speak to us and yes, refresh us.

In God alone is peace, rest, and strength.

It may seem like you don't have energy to pick up your Bible and read.  Okay then just start by picking it up and telling God how much you need Him.  He will begin to lead you.

As you do more and more this you will find yourself looking forward to time with Him.  Life won't seem so dreary.  You will no longer feel like you're running endlessly to nothing because now you're running to Him.

Suddenly, you may find strength to get up and do what He has called you to do.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Ps 16:11

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Matt 11:28

He's coming soon.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fake Fruit

When I was small my brothers and I would visit my grandma on the weekends.

On her dining room table was a glass bowl that held apples and grapes.  For a long time I would reach out to grab a grape only to find it was fake....


Every time I would be disappointed and walk away in search of something tasty and


One day I stopped reaching out because I had finally let it sink in that there was nothing but plastic fruit in that bowl. I had no expectation anymore of biting into a juicy, sweet grape.  Rather my little brothers and I pulled off those fake grapes one by one until my grandmothers display was ruined. But that's another story.

Unfortunately there are people hungry for something real in the kingdom of God who are going through the same thing.  They are reaching out for truth and power and walking away dejected.

Oh there are people who look like Christians, sound like Christians, and act like Christians but the fruit is


Let me explain.

There are those (with or without titles) who are in ministry or serving in some capacity in the church.  By their works and with their words they are assuring people that they know the way.  But when others come closer for wisdom, comfort, or help they bite into the fruit of the lives of these people and find it's just not real.

There are Christians who harbor unforgiveness, bitterness, or secret sins.  They can be angry, unapproachable, touchy, prideful. They call good evil and evil good. They do the work but their thoughts or deeds in private are ungodly


They tell others to serve, forgive, be truthful, holy.  But they're private mantra is do as I say not as I do.

These are those that cause others who really love God to wonder are there any real Christians.

I think the question we all need to ask is...


Am I preaching a gospel I really don't believe?

 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Gal 5:22-23

Monday, April 14, 2014

You Believe It But What Are You Doing About It?

This one is short and sweet. Okay, depending on your mindset maybe not so sweet.

Jesus is coming back soon.

Ya ya ya..I already know that.

No, Jesus is coming back really soon!

Right I got it. What about it?

Are you ready?

Sure I...


Before you answer that question can you just take a moment to quiet yourself, breathe, and think.

Are you ready?

I mean think about it.  Are there areas in your life that just aren't lining up and you've been coasting on the fact that you said a prayer Lord only knows how long ago?

BUT... have yet to stop telling lies (there only little white lies), you serve in the church but your motive has everything to do with yourself and very little to do with God, you rush through prayer like you're doing the dishes, you have a dirty magazine hidden somewhere you think God can't see, when you're angry you cuss like a sailor (only in my mind so that doesn't count), making money is more important than time with God, you're ashamed to share your faith in Jesus,  you're checking out the opposite sex and still have yet to admit it's called lust,...

...need I go on?

Jesus is coming back family and we need to wake up and deal with our hearts.  We need to stop lying to ourselves.  We need to stop lying to God.

How many times have you heard someone ask this question?

If You knew Jesus was coming back what would you do or stop doing?

I believe most of us shrugged off that question and never really took the time to answer it because we don't want to face the fact that the Holy Spirit is dealing with us and we really don't like what He is saying.

I'm at a stage in my walk where I am seriously irritated with Christian challenges.  Such as I challenge you to read your Bible more....I challenge you to tell someone about Jesus today...I challenge...

I'm not going to issue a challenge.

I'm telling you.  Stop and deal with your heart.  One day you and I will be facing Judgement.  If we judge ourselves on this earth we will not be judged for sin in the next life.

Get a pen and paper, set aside some time from your busy schedule, turn off your phone, get quiet, and ask God this question....

Lord, is there anything in my life that will keep me from going to heaven?

Write down whatever He puts on your heart and deal with it quickly.

Make yourself ready.  He's coming soon.

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins with us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Are You Not Entertained?

To T.V. or not to T.V. that is the question!

Or is it?

Entertainment in all it's forms is central to the American modern culture.  While theater, concerts, shopping expeditions used to be only for the rich and idle these things are now for everyone. Even those considered poor are able to find ready cash to entertain themselves.

This country loves those things once considered frivolous.

The church, or at least most of us in the American church, loves them too.

It is time the church takes a good look at itself and puts down the remote, walks past the Red Box, and breaks it's Facebook addiction.  However we need to know why.

Turning off the T.V. without dealing with the why will only create a people puffed up with it's works.

If we unplug the one eyed monster without dealing with the why we will simply turn to some other religious means of distraction which will be as equally displeasing to God and we will be all the worse for our new laws.  Our way of getting to God.

The problem lies in our lovelessness.  Our lack of passion towards God.

If we loved Him, were captivated, entranced, and hungry for Him our time would be spent searching Him out instead of watching the latest movie.

When will we turn and be entertained by God?



The word entertain means to provide amusement but it also means to give attention or consideration to.

WHY do we give so much attention to sports, games, videos and so little to the one who died for us?

If we can answer this question and repent of our lovelessness then we would desire to discipline ourselves to turn away from amusement and give all of our attention, our thoughts, and our desires to God.

It's time we search our hearts,

He's coming soon.