On this day, Martin Luther King's birthday, I am at a bit of a loss in what to say so I will just write from my heart.
I am a Christian. My skin is dark. My gender is woman. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter.
I am a SLAVE.
I am not a slave in the sense that we would consider slavery. Due to the providence of God, through mighty men and women, my generation in America was spared that atrocity.
I am a SLAVE to Jesus Christ.
A willing SLAVE.
Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ. 1 Cor 9:19
From Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God. Rom 1:1
There was a time when I was a slave to sins and bondages of all kinds...fornication, adultery, drugs, alcohol, depression, suicidal thoughts, selfish desires, stubbornness, people pleasing, the ways and "wisdom" of the world...
I was a SLAVE to the devil.
Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness? Rom 6:16
I remember a day when I was living in my father's home. I was a single mom and while my daughter was in school I was folding socks. Then in the midst of folding the thought suddenly came upon me...
I am going to HELL and there is nothing I can do about it.
I was frozen like a deer in headlights.
I wanted to run for my life but there was nowhere to turn. One day I would die and have to go before God and because of my sin I was destined for hell.
I can't tell you how long I stood there petrified but eventually the thought dissipated and I went on with my day. But it was only a few months later when salvation was explained to me and I gave my life to Jesus. Yes, I was a sinner, but no amount of going to confession, lighting candles, praying to "saints", taking communion, or being a "nice" person would save me. I needed to renounce and turn from my sin once and for all, ask Jesus to come into my life, and be born again. Only JESUS could set me free from my sin nature.
It was years later that I realized I exchanged one master for THE MASTER.
The master I had served before had come to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus gave me abundant life, love, and provision.
The devil hated me with a rage that will only be swallowed up in the lake of fire. Jesus called me His beloved and He wanted only to protect, heal, deliver, and then empower me through His Spirit to build His kingdom that He wants to give to ME!
As a black woman I do not deny my heritage nor the injustice committed in the earth against people of color. But as an ambassador of Jesus Christ my concern is not JUST for the injustice committed against people who share my skin color. Looking through the eyes of Jesus I see with sorrow injustice rampant against everyone made in the image of God.
I see those who claim to be Christians bickering over who is more oppressed. I hear those who before, seemed so God fearing revealing the prejudice in their hearts.
I see racism in the church.
May I say this...there is no room in heaven for those who will not do all they can to make peace, to rid their hearts of hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness. To bring Christ and His word into every situation.
The Ferguson case, and others like it, are true revealers of the hearts. I pray Christians everywhere are shocked about their response to this case and are repenting and praying the mind that is in Christ will be in them.
Am I suggesting that we all deny what is happening in this country? Not at all. I am exhorting us all to return to the commandments of God and trust in Him. Every injustice, if we are His, ought to drive us to our knees in prayer. And If we are to act, to act in such a way that points others to Jesus.
May I say this? Most people who made comments or commentaries, on Face Book, twitter, through emails, or on You Tube did NOT make time to pray and dig in the Word of God for wisdom or comfort.
And they surely did not FAST.
They spoke out of their own insecurity, hurt, and anger...out of their own resources instead of going to Jesus.
One last thing. As a Christian I do not vote based on a man's skin color, I do not overlook crimes of famous people who share my skin color, and I do not give favoritism because someone is a "Sista".
Because I am a Christian my sister, my brother, my people are those who are believers in Jesus Christ.
For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother. (Jesus) Mk 3:35
I am a SLAVE to my Lord. If that offends you then you either need to mature in your walk or you need to, as I did, exchange your master for THE MASTER.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Martin Luther King
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. Martin Luther King
Somewhere somebody must have some sense. Men must see that force begets force, hate begets hate, toughness begets toughness. And it is all a descending spiral, ultimately ending in destruction for all and everybody. Somebody must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate and the chain of evil in the universe. And you do that by love. Marin Luther King
The reason I can't follow the old eye-for-an-eye philosophy is that it ends up leaving everyone blind. Martin Luther King
Love in our Lord,
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