Perhaps this happens to a few amazing people who actually do make a quick transition from decision to a life poured out
for most of us it is a process.
It's a process because we don't even know ourselves.
As we begin the slow and painful journey to dwelling in the presence of God (Notice I did not say destiny, ministry, or our dreams.) things come up along the way.
Offenses, character issues, faults, bad habits, mind sets, fear, and yes, sin.
Many of these issues we may or may not be fully aware we possess but, as we draw near to God, He chooses to put them on
Not fair we may say?
Here we are praying, fasting, reading, meditating and then something occurs and we respond in a way that cause others to question our salvation. Heck, we question our own salvation. (Did I hear someone say amen?)
Family, as we draw near to God we are approaching the Consuming Fire. We are entering into Holy Ground and anything that is unholy within us shall be revealed.
Unfortunately many give up when they behold God and like a mirror He reveals the ugliness
I say
Let's allow ourselves be humbled in His mighty presence and rejoice that with each spot, blemish and wrinkle revealed He still loves us and beckons us to come closer.
Be the precious mess you are wrapped in the arms of your Heavenly Father.
This is the only place where we can be made like Him.
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