My mom loved cooking, crafts, hosting get togethers. She LOVED words and books. To her throwing a book in the trash was a sin :) She believed reading was key because if you could read you could learn how to do anything from baking bread to building a bomb.
Towards the end of her life she knew her time was short on this earth and realized she had problems and concerns mere books could not solve. She needed the power of God. After seeing the movie War Room my mom was inspired by the Holy Spirit to become a prayer warrior. To fight for herself (she was very ill having suffered Lupus for too many years) and loved ones in prayer. To trust that God would hear her and act on His promises as she declared the Word of God. She said YES to God and had begun turning her clothes closet into a PRAYER closet.
Due to paperwork I found as I went through her things I believe she thought she had at least a few years left on this earth. However my mom contracted a salmonella infection that ravaged her already severely weakened body, went into a coma, and died Nov 2 of this year. She is now at peace with Jesus.
The last thing she insisted I do (before she was infected) was watch that movie War Room. I promised her I would and I did two days ago.
I myself have felt a push for a few months to cast of worry and fear and go into deep prayer. I have loved ones I worry about in my family and in my church. I have seen too many I love turn away from God or back pedal from their commitment to serve Him with all their might.
Not only that but a spirit of FEAR through terrorist acts, mass shootings, and hate induced crimes is permeating this country (USA). I remember as a child living in a constant fear of nuclear war attack from Russia. Then for some years we had a semblance of peace. Now we daily arise wondering what will happen next. Christians in other nations already have felt this type of uncertainty.
My mom had it right. She turned to God with a heart not only to go deep in prayer but to influence others to do the same. I too encourage you to watch or re-watch War Room and let it speak to you. Or simply obey what God is already saying to you. :)
Whether you are overwhelmed with life, fear of what will occur in our nation or the world, worried about family, experiencing chronic illness, struggling with mind battles, financial issues, life changing decisions or, to just stay saved, PRAYER IS THE ANSWER.
I am asking you to let the Holy Spirit show you your next step. Whatever you need to do; create a prayer closet, carve out time in your busy schedule, repent and confess your faults, forgive, get rid of every carnal distraction, be accountable to a spiritual leader or partner with a bestie in Christ I believe God is speaking to ALL of us (leaders and disciples alike) to draw near to Him, pray, dive into His Word, and be used by Him in prayer.
JAN 1, 2016 is the date! That doesn't mean to wait to pray until then. In other words you and I have a few days to sit with God, take an inventory of our hearts, confess our helplessness without God, and commit to a disciplined prayer/Bible life. Write your vision down, make it plain, and post it in your house.
This is NO season of prayer, 2016 resolution, or a few weeks of fasting then back to life as usual. I am talking about a life change. If you and I can become people of deep, prevailing prayer and then HELP OTHERS to do likewise God Himself will build His Kingdom through us and the gates of Hell will not prevail against His church.
DO NOT FEAR FAILURE!!! Any good habit takes time to develop. You have the rest of your life. Any YES to God will meet resistance from our flesh and the enemy. EXPECT IT! Step out of the boat. It's time for you and I to walk on the stormy waters!
If you feel this is for you please comment and lets do this together. I will be blogging and posting some practical stuff for all of us this next few weeks.
This is His promise to us; 'Fear not for I am with you. Seek FIRST my Kingdom and whatever you need for this life I will add unto you. The rivers will not overflow you. You will walk through the fire and you will not be burned. Turn to me with all your heart and with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Rend your hearts for I am gracious and merciful. I will pity you as a Father pities His very own children. I hear the prayers of the righteous!'
Is 41:10, Matt 6:33, Is 43:2, Joel 2:12-13, Ps 103:13, Ps 34:17
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