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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Halloween, Hell, and the Devil? Here's Why.

If you happen to follow me on Facebook you have noticed that almost daily since the beginning of October I have been posting about halloween, hell, and the devil.

Here's why.

I feel Christians have forgotten there is a devil.  Okay maybe not forgotten.  After all we believe in heaven and hell.  We know Satan was cast down.  And we know he still exists.


I think a lot of us have forgotten he has power (limited though it be), he hates us, he makes war against us daily, he hates us, he can possess people, he hates us, he can still make stuff happen, and YES HE HATES US.

So daily I am posting little reminders that the devil is real.  I want us all to remember there is a supernatural, a spirit realm, and Satan is a deceiver who has come to steal, kill and destroy.

I want to remind us that there are unholy things that belong expressly to the devil and when we mess around with them we open doors to the enemy and allow him to put us in bondage, mess with our minds, and wreak havoc in our children and our marriages.

Please fight to pray family.  Return to the reading and study of God's holy Word.  Be convicted of sin again and repent.  Start going to church again.  Shut the door to the enemy and say YES to God.  Time is drawing short, Jesus really is coming, and Satan is frantic to steal as many souls as he can.

Let's not make it easy for him.

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