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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Are You Not Entertained?

To T.V. or not to T.V. that is the question!

Or is it?

Entertainment in all it's forms is central to the American modern culture.  While theater, concerts, shopping expeditions used to be only for the rich and idle these things are now for everyone. Even those considered poor are able to find ready cash to entertain themselves.

This country loves those things once considered frivolous.

The church, or at least most of us in the American church, loves them too.

It is time the church takes a good look at itself and puts down the remote, walks past the Red Box, and breaks it's Facebook addiction.  However we need to know why.

Turning off the T.V. without dealing with the why will only create a people puffed up with it's works.

If we unplug the one eyed monster without dealing with the why we will simply turn to some other religious means of distraction which will be as equally displeasing to God and we will be all the worse for our new laws.  Our way of getting to God.

The problem lies in our lovelessness.  Our lack of passion towards God.

If we loved Him, were captivated, entranced, and hungry for Him our time would be spent searching Him out instead of watching the latest movie.

When will we turn and be entertained by God?



The word entertain means to provide amusement but it also means to give attention or consideration to.

WHY do we give so much attention to sports, games, videos and so little to the one who died for us?

If we can answer this question and repent of our lovelessness then we would desire to discipline ourselves to turn away from amusement and give all of our attention, our thoughts, and our desires to God.

It's time we search our hearts,

He's coming soon.

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