Can you say effort?
To love God means we must exert some force. That we push, sweat, tire ourselves out, and be spent in our quest to know Him.
Loving God is anything but passive.
To love God there must be some sort of fight within you.
You must have a ruthless determination that every word, thought, and deed will honor God.
Loving God is not some casual pursuit but a drive to make everything and everyone second to Him. If there is anything fighting to be first in your heart....
...let that thing be as sin to you.
Loving God needs no qualifiers. Either you love God or you don't.
If there is anything in my heart that I prefer more than God then I do not love Him.
God wants ALL of us and will settle for nothing less.
It is better to be honest with God and admit we love other things more than Him than to go on pretending. It is better that when Jesus comes He finds us repenting and fighting to love Him with everything that is in us than to go on offering Him this listless, lackluster thing we call love.
He will not accept it.
Ask of God and you will receive the grace to love Him as He deserves. Place Him on the throne of your heart and let their be no more rivals for your affection towards Him.
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