Why? Isn't it obvious? Jesus commands us to go and make disciples. It says it right in Matthew 28:19!
He also told us to count the cost. (Luke 14:28-33) Have you done that? Have you counted the cost of discipling another?
People have babies all the time and never once consider the late night feedings, hours of constant screaming, tons of poopy diapers, the financial cost, and the utter lack of FREEDOM. This my friend is just the beginning of the cost of discipleship.
Just as babies grow up into teenagers and rebel so do disciples. Children love you one moment and want nothing to do with you the next. so do disciples. Children listen to their friends and trample all over your words of wisdom. Children arrive at a time in life when they think they know it all. Children are self-centered, hate work, love junk food, and test your patience. So do disciples.
But just as children eventually arrive at a place in life where they have endured the trials of life, have their own children, and become wise enough to see how much their parents have truly invested emotionally, again financially, and spiritually, so do disciples.
So, my friend, if you have considered all this and you're ready to lay down your life go for it.
In the end it will all be
worth it and you will receive your reward!!
*The pic above is of my 6 lovelies!!! And yes they are worth it!