Really lets think about this. Out of the 12 Jesus chose one who always put his foot in his mouth and swung a mean sword, a tax collector who was probably ripping off widows, two brothers who could have been gang affiliated, a really negative guy whose motto was "I'd have to see it to believe it", and of course Judas (a thief and a back stabber). John, who was most comfortable hugged up to Jesus, and Nathanael, who Jesus marked as a man of integrity, were the only two that seemed to have anything going for them. The other five? Well just some average Joes that the Bible doesn't have much to elaborate on.
I never would have chosen guys like this. At least not without the
When you read the Gospels these guys were argumentative, selfish, insensitive, cowardly, and just not very spiritual.
they had two things going for them. They LOVED Jesus and they were
Wherever Jesus was they went. They were never far from their leader. And, except for that incident in the Garden of Gethsemane, they did whatever He told them to do.
They didn't understand everything Jesus told them, they had selfish motives, and they were prideful. But they were also
This love and obedience carried them to their destiny and promotion.
How you ask?
When Jesus told them,
“And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”
They actually did it. They stopped what they were doing and waited in the upper room because Jesus said so. If they had not obeyed they never would have become the men that others knew had been with the Master.
But what about you?
You have no qualifications and alot of issues, but can you
Can you just LOVE your spiritual leader, your mentor, let me just say it your pastor, and just...
These men had nothing else going for them and despite what you may or may not think neither do you.
But if you can love, if you can trust, if you can follow and obey, you can become that one who will...
And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven. Heb 13:17
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