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Sunday, July 28, 2013


I am on one particular vein; walking with and knowing the Holy Spirit.

I believe their are many Christians who feel the pull to cast off all restraint and fling themselves wholeheartedly into the fire of God. I believe that if any of us are saved then the Spirit of God is within us. He will ever draw us nearer to the Father, glorifying Jesus who died to bring us into relationship with the One He loved.

Yes, I believe that so many want more.

I also know many believers will never obtain that more.

 Let me explain.

Nothing gets done until one deals with self truthfully. Knowing the motives of the heart is so imperative in our walk with God, but we cannot know motives of our own hearts unless the Spirit and the Word reveals them.
So many Christians do not pray or spend time seeking God in His Word. May I clarify seeking God?
I am talking about prayer from the heart not empty religious gestures. Not the punching in of the Christian time clock.

Prayer ought to position the believer to hear truth because the believer hungers for truth.

Petitioning God for our wants and problems is not the heart of prayer. Jesus lived to know and do the will of the Father. He was able to boldly say He knew and loved the Father because He lived to please Him alone.

Jesus prayed.

In our Bible reading there ought to be more than skimming words on a page. Where is the careful study, memorization, meditation, and application (read obedience) of the Holy scriptures? Yet this is not enough without a hunger for truth.

In Jesus' day none prayed, fasted, or knew the Word of God better than the Pharisees. Yet when Jesus showed up they rejected their Messiah. How could this be? The Pharisees loved the adulation of men more than the quiet praise of God. (Jn 12:43)

Do you think the Pharisees knew this was in their hearts? Do you think they honestly confessed their sin? Of course not. They searched for an excuse that would appease their guilty conscience and fixated on it until they believed it was truth.

This is human nature.

Our human nature is to be feared far and above all the works of the devil and his angels with him.

We are capable of such creativity, reasoning, brilliance, and courage. We are capable of the most heinous of crimes and cowardice. We can even lie to ourselves.

When one determines in his heart that he will give all to God, the Holy Spirit begins to deal with that heart.

So few allow that dealing.

We are looking for the touch of God that pleases us.

He is looking for holiness, purity of heart, and faith that please Him.

He is looking for the one that says,

I will stand naked and unashamed before You and mankind..I am willing that You to expose me, humiliate me, and make me the least of my brothers. I willing to be the servant of Your servants. I am willing to be overlooked, unappreciated, unjustly treated, and falsely accused. I am willing to look like a fool for Your sake or to cover those in authority over me and my peers. I am willing to endure the crucifixion moments of my life that this flesh will be destroyed and I can walk in the truth of Your ways.

He is the Spirit of Truth.

He loves us and is so gentle. He will not break the spirit of the one who seeks him but He has no mercy on the flesh. His dealings cause pain. That pain is sometimes physical, but mostly it is a pain to our ego. A harsh blow to our pride. A destruction of the thing we love more than Christ which is most generally ourselves.
This is why I say many will never walk in the more or the fire of intimacy with the Holy Spirit on this earth.

The cost is indeed high.

But if you desire Him...all of Him...and you are willing to pay the price, fear not. Though it be a rough and treacherous rode He will be your guide. Remember Lots wife and never look back.

What lies ahead is glorious!

And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish itlest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:27-33

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Fear Of Man

Let's just jump right in. If you long to walk with the Spirit of God the way I do you must put people, along with their opinions and expectations of you, in their proper place.

Being overly concerned (read obsessed) about what others think of you is a hindrance in cultivating intimacy with the Holy Ghost.

Even as a child I ran myself ragged trying to make everyone happy. As a young adult I was a chameleon. I did all I could to be like everyone in order to be liked.

I brought this into my walk with God. Wanting to be accepted I frantically tried to please everyone. If I at all sensed someone was displeased with me I lost sleep and did all I could to regain their approval.

Ridiculous! If Jesus Himself cannot please everyone then why would I think I can?

The greatest commandment is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This cannot be done when the fear of man moves us to please people instead of God.

Approval seekers cannot follow or obey God unless they feel everyone approves of them, their decisions, their words, or their actions. Therefore deliverance in this area is imperative.

In attempting to be delivered of approval seeking I have seen people go the opposite way. Instead of seeking to please others they live to please themselves alone. People like this love the scripture that says we ought to obey God rather than men Acts 5:29. They adopt the stance that no longer are they subject to the authority of others and cast off restraint. This is rebellion and foolishness. My Granny would have said they are throwing out the baby with the bath water.

God's word is clear concerning to our submission to spiritual and natural authority. A good disciple, wife, child, or servant certainly should seek to please the one in authority over them. In doing so they please God as all authority comes from Him.

Selfishness is also not deliverance. After loving God the second commandment is that we must love our brother as ourselves. In Philippians we are exhorted to not only look out for our own welfare but also for the welfare of others. Serving, loving, helping, and sharing with one another is not approval seeking. It is Christianity in the practical.

When I speak of deliverance from approval seeking, people pleasing, and the fear of man I am really talking about freedom from SELF. SELF is always self-analyzing, naval gazing, and preoccupied with appearance. Bookstores, even Christian ones are filled with self-help, self-actualizing, and self-fulfillment books.

SELF is the biggest idol there ever was. Destroy SELF and you destroy the power of the fear of man.

When my mind is on God and not SELF I can acknowledge my sins, faults, and frailties without falling apart. I can repent without walking in condemnation. I can take correction without rebellion rising up. I can be rebuked and still not be defeated. Why? Because my faults are my faults. They are not me. If I love God I want Him to correct my faults because I want to be like Him. If I love people I want my faults to be corrected because I don't want to hurt anyone.

When my mind is on God and not SELF I can be judged, disapproved of, criticized, and falsely accused because I know what He thinks of me...and that's all that really matters. He is the only one I'll have to stand before on that great day.

When my mind is on God and not SELF everyone inthe world can hate me and I can still love them all. How do I know? Because Jesus did it first.

Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew human nature. No one needed to tell him what mankind is really like. Jn 2:23-25 NLT

He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were,
our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Is 53:3 NKJ

He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth. Is 53:7 NKJ

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Lk 23:34 NKJ

Saturday, July 6, 2013

From Glory To Glory?

There are times as I sit in service and hear the people shout and clap, that I think to myself,
They hear but they do not hear.
Most of God's people must not pray or really read His Word. I laugh when I hear people shouting whenever some one preaches about going from glory to glory. They either don't know, or forget, that suffering and death precede glory. So yes, the victorious will indeed go from glory to glory but they're going to endure alot of pain on the trip.

I'm not trying to be a wet blanket. I love the exuberance and the prophetic words and the call to go higher. I just think that the majority of God's people are like the Jews on Palm Sunday. They love the triumphant march, the songs, and the atmosphere but they really don't know, or understand the mission of Jesus Christ.
He was born to die that others might live.
He expects us to do the same.
When Jesus told us to come and follow Him He didn't mean for us to simply accompany Him on His journey as a spectator, but to be as He is. He said if we would not be willing to lay down our lives and pick up the cross we couldn't be His disciples. If we would not allow ourselves to be nailed to that proverbial cross, endure it's shame and pain, and finally die on it...
 ...we could not be called His children.
Satan's doctrine is spreading through out the church. It says you can be a Christian without being a disciple of Christ. It lulls those that call themselves by His name into false hope and security by promising painless salvation. It declares that the cross is only for the really dedicated and hyper-spiritual. It soothes the flesh that only special Christians are called to that kind of life, but it's not for everyone.
You don't have to be that radical to be saved, you're not Jesus you know.
This is the lie that keeps God's people running after the comfort of this world...running from the suffering of this present life.  Running to false doctrine, denial of Christ's mission, rebellion, and ultimately into eternal suffering and torment in hell.

Please understand, having your lights turned off because you spent your electric bill money foolishly is not suffering, neither is enduring the shame of pregnancy apart from wedlock. The hardship we endure from bad decisions, or sin, is simply reaping the consequences of what we've sown.

True suffering is the loss, persecution, or trials one experiences from being obedient to God. Biblical suffering often causes those we love to suffer as well, through no fault of their own. Suffering comes to all who will live all who refuse to compromise their faith for the sake of comfort or popularity.

The servant will never be greater than the Master. Jesus set the example. We are to walk in His footprints and drink from the same cup.
Suffering is not a part of the Christian life, it is the Christian life.

It's the Jesus life.

I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself. If there was any way to get in on the resurrection from the dead, I wanted to do it.
Phil 3:10 The Message